Last week I hit this Ketel One vodka tasting event with my homegirl Yvonne and got tore up from the floor up! Actually not really...we hit cool little spot called Kultura and I sampled Ketal One for the first time and was pleasantly surprised as to how smooth it was. For most part, a lot of folks I know just grab whatver is around...for me going to the liquor store is typically a mission! Getting lost in a sea of spirits, wines, lagers, and ales...usually I'm searching for the best fit for the moment. After that event Ketel One really may have become my go-to vodka. Browsing the net I randomly stumble across a blog by New Yorker named Aiesha, and read a post where she mentioning ordering a"Ketel One and Cranberry"...on the same day I decided I was going to put this post up...so I'm presuming it's actually a drink of choice for many already.
Anyway...try it out...let me know if you agree or not.
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