Friday, May 20, 2016

Million Dollars, But... The Game! [FUN]


What would you do for a million dollars? This card game from Rooster Teeth, which is a lot like Cards Against Humanity, puts your morals, imagination, and friendships to the test. 

Rooster Teeth known for its Red vs. Blue comedy series blasted through the $10,000 Kickstarter goal and has sourced almost a million dollars! Million Dollars, But (or MDB, as Rooster Teeth calls it) is a popular webseries that's been running for close to a year. The premise is a simple one: You'll be given a million dollars, but... you'll need to survive a randomly chosen scenario that goes along with the windfall, and its likely to be fairly unpleasant. 

If you want to back it, you can pick it up HERE. The game is $25 and is due to ship in June.