Tuesday, November 3, 2009

'The Wire' ...Will Be A Class at Havard University [POP CULTURE]

An ivy league series...given the intricacies, and complexities of the show I am not as surprised to learn this news. I was explaining the concept of the show to a friend of mine last night, and in doing so it had dawned on me on just how deep the sociopolitical concepts were. Check this interview with the shows creator, David Simon, did with Bill Moyers a little while back here.

THE Wire," HBO's gritty series about life in the Baltimore ghetto, is about to become a course at Harvard.

The announcement came at a panel discussion at the school featuring several of the show's stars, according to the Harvard student newspaper, The Crimson.

Read the whole story: nypost.com

1 comment:

Radical Selfie said...

That show was sheer brilliance. So detailed and so simple at the same time. An awesome microcosm for life in that a series of simple decisions can lead to chaos that branches out way past the lone decision-maker.