Friday, December 18, 2009

The M.I.T. Copenhagen Wheel Project [COOL]

A toss up between categorizing this post as "COOL" or "GREEN" I figured if going "GREEN" was to get any real shine moving forward it would have be cloaked under an unequivocal coolness. So voila! The Copenhagen Wheel Project. Applauded as a reinvention of the wheel, that red circle thing manages to turn you bicycle into a "hybrid-cycle" and harnesses the kinetic energy that is created when you are going downhill, or when you are braking. When sensors detect that the rider needs assistance going up a hill perhaps, the motor kicks in. Also pretty cool is that it is all controlled by your smart phone, linked via bluetooth which provides you with information about calories burned, distant travelled, traffic/weather condition etc. Watch the video teaser here.

MIT via The New York Times

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