Thursday, December 31, 2020

Sheltersuit: A Coat As Shelter For The Homeless [GOOD CAUSE]

Bas Timmer, A young Dutch fashion designer just out of school in 2014, Timmer was embarking on a promising direction as a cold weather-gear specialist when he stumbled over a homeless man one cold night. He thought about giving the man one of his signature fashion hoodies, but—to his lasting shame—paused for fear of diminishing his brand. A few months later a friend’s father, also homeless, died of hypothermia. “I felt guilty,” says Timmer. “I had the opportunity to help, and I did nothing.”

Timmer hasn’t entirely given up on his dreams of designing for a commercial brand. Eventually, he says, he wants to create a company as big as The North Face, but with a twist: all the profits will fund his Sheltersuit foundation. Donations alone can’t help the world’s 100 million homeless, but a globally recognized brand might. “By selling beautiful products that keep people warm and dry and protected, I can help others stay warm and dry and protected.”

The Sheltersuit is:

-Water and windproof and can be transformed easily into a sleeping bag.
-Equipped with a large hood, integrated scarf and large pockets.
-Made entirely from upcycled materials.
-Designed with an opening in the bottom to make it easier for the user to move.
-Made by former refugees who are distanced to the labour market.
-A product for people in need.

“It is a band-aid, but it’s a good band-aid. People want a house; they want a job. Until they have that, let’s at least protect them while they are on the streets.”

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