Wednesday, December 30, 2020

6 Things You Need to Know About Gen C [SOCIETY]

Being able to identify different groups of people is extremely convenient. Knowing their habits and demographics, makes it easier to hire them as employees, and sell them products as consumers. If you are still focusing on only Baby boomers and Millennials, you’re missing out on the biggest group of all – Generation C.

Knowing what makes Generation C different, will make sure you are able to appeal to the traits that define them.

1. Introducing Generation C

Generation C is a uniquely defined group that gathers together all those who are “connected consumers”.  While this label seems to indicate that Generation C falls within the same parameters we use to define Millennials, ‘Gen C’ is not bound by age. It is a psychographic (as opposed to a demographic) group that is bound by values, interests, personality traits, attitudes, and lifestyles.

Members of Generation C are “digital natives” who have integrated technology into every aspect of their daily routine. They turn to the internet instinctively and extensively to do any number of things.

2. Age doesn’t matter to Generation C

Generation C isn’t about an age bracket, it’s about a mindset. You can be 12 years old, or 105 years old, and still be part of this group. It is not defined by age, wealth, geography, nor ethnicity. It is defined solely by connectivity.

Its members are not just consuming content – they are creating it. They are not just online – they are actively engaged with online communities. And though these traits may apply to the Millennial demographic, it is Generation C who actually embodies them by being fully immersed in content creation, social networks, online videos, product review sites, smart technology, etc.

3. They interact with the world digitally

Generation C lives in a digital world and gives little to no attention to traditional media like tv, radio, and print. They move from smart phone to laptop to tablet seamlessly, and are often found using multiple devices at once. They are connected from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to sleep. If they wear a Fitbit or have smart mattress, they may even be connected while asleep.

Generation C stays up to date on current events through videos, apps, and social media sites like Twitter. Their decision making is often based on review sites and online opinion. They never truly disconnect.

4. They are growing

In 2012, when digital analyst Brian Solis defined Generation C, they were still a small group, despite being not bound by an age demographic. However, with recent developments in mobile technology and high-speed internet access, this group is getting exponentially larger.

5. Attract their attention

Above all else, Generation C trusts content shared within their own personal networks.  They trust a post that Bob shared about XYZ company more than they trust the actual post from XYZ company. Shared content is the holy grail for reaching Generation C. If you are trying to attract their attention, you should be where they are – online.

As a company, you need to be heavily investing in your company’s online presence. Start by leveraging your employees who love the work you do; allow them to share positive, relevant messages on both their private social media pages, and your corporate pages. Make sure all your open positions are posted in online job boards, as well as your own website.

Create value in the content you create – you want it to be something that people want to click on and share. Make sure it provides help and assistance instead of just asking for business.

6. Stay up to date 

Attracting and keeping Generation C is not only about having a carefully curated online message, it is also about the technology your company uses. If you are rolling out a new training program, make sure to incorporate mobile and digital options. Make sure that any online tools and/or technology you use actually works. You don’t need to be cutting edge, but no one wants to be working in MS-DOS.

Are you ready?

In reality, Generation C is everywhere. The push for connectivity has cut across all traditional demographics. Age is becoming an arbitrary factor in defining a specific group of people. Make sure that you are factoring this information into your business decisions and discussions. Open yourself up to reaching more people by leveraging this knowledge.

via Energy Resources

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